Day #4

LinkedIn, Myspace, Google SEO and maps

Reading Assignment:

The Power of LinkedIn… Groups

Live Class Agenda:

LinkedIn is an online network of more than 8.5 million experienced professionals from around the world representing 130 industries.

People with more than twenty connections are thirty-four times more likely to be approached with a job opportunity than people with less than five. Most new users put only their current company in their profile. By doing so, they severely limit their ability to connect with people. You should fill out your profile like it’s an executive bio, so include past companies, education, affiliations, and activities. Since LinkedIn profiles receive a fairly high PageRank in Google, this is a good way to influence what people see when they search for you. To make this work, be sure your public profile setting is set to “Full View.”

LinkedIn’s newest feature, LinkedIn Answers, allows you to broadcast any business-related questions to both your network and the greater LinkedIn network. The premise is that you will get more high-value responses from the people in your network than more open forums.

MySpace great for musicians and entertainment venues but there’s more…

Status & Mood: Let’s you to display your status & mood history on your profile (up to 50 past posts)

Activities: Let’s you show your recent activities on your profile (photos & videos uploaded, apps you’ve added, etc.)

Post Comment: Display a “comment box” to make it easier for your friends to leave you comments

Partnering with CitySearch to include GPS mapping and citizen revues.

Google Business Listings, SEO and maps

Get a Gmail account and the take a minute to read this great post: How to Make Gmail Your Ultimate Productivity Center.

Then, to access or create your look Google Business Listing(s) click on the link in the upper left side called Settings, and go to the Accounts tab, then scroll down the page to the Google Account settings: Visit your Google Account settings then on the left side column 4th down is: Local Business Center. You have just arrived at the Google free jackpot…

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